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500 Sally Ride Dr., Suite 517, Concord CA. 94520 – (925) 627-8255


Garmin GTN 750

The installed Garmin GTN 750 is the latest in integrated communications and navigation technology from Garmin. The large touch screen display allows you to easily see sectional maps and charts, as well as track your flight path. Both the com. and nav. radio features are linked to the radio frequency database enabling you to quickly lookup and select a desired com. or nav. frequency. In addition, you have a wealth of airport information at your finger tips. Also included is a highly accurate WAAS GPS.

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Other Exceptional Features Include…

[ut_service_column color=”#222222″ background=”#f1f1f1″ headline=”Flight Information System – Weather” shape=”round” width=”full”] This graphical display, updated by the ADS-B network, provides a continues picture of enroute weather.
[/ut_service_column] [ut_service_column color=”#222222″ background=”#f1f1f1″ headline=”Airborne Traffic Information” shape=”round” width=”full”] This graphical display, updated by the ADS-B network, provides alerts and continuous flight data about nearby airborne traffic long before it becomes a factor.
[/ut_service_column] [ut_service_column color=”#222222″ background=”#f1f1f1″ headline=”User Experience” shape=”round” width=”full”] This graphical display not only provides a map of airport runways, but continuously shows your position on a runway. A great feature for night landings or taxiing at unfamiliar airports [/ut_service_column]

[ut_button color=”blue” target=”_blank” link=”/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Garmin-GTN-750-GPS-Nav-Com-Manual.pdf” size=”large” shape=”round” title=”Manual” ]Manual[/ut_button]


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